Enjoy Your Prayer Life

Michael Reeves. Enjoy Your Prayer Life. London: Ten Publishing, 2014. 46 pages.

            All Christians recognize the importance of prayer, but many Christians still struggle to set aside the time to develop a meaningful prayer life. And if they won’t set aside the time to develop a meaningful prayer life, chances are that they won’t read many of the excellent books that are available about prayer. [NOTE: My favorite book in that category is Tim Keller’s Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God (Dutton, 2014).]

            This is where Michael Reeves comes in. He has written a splendid short little book about prayer. And at only 46 pages, it can be read in a single setting.

            In this helpful little book, he talks about what prayer is. Prayer isn’t something “we do.” Rather, “prayer is the primary way true faith expresses itself” (12). Therefore, a lack of prayer can be considered nothing less than practical atheism.

            In last week’s post, I reviewed a book about how we approach God’s Word. Our intake of God’s Word and prayer are intimately connected. In fact, “prayer springs from God’s Word” (17). God’s Word awakens faith in our hearts which then leads us to prayer.

            There is a danger of trying to “fit” prayer into our daily lives. Remember, prayer is the primary way true faith expresses itself. Therefore, prayer isn’t something that’s only done in the morning or in the evening. Rather, our prayer life is to be unceasing. This, of course, means that prayer will happen in many forms. It may happen as we set aside an extended amount of time to approach the throne of grace. Then again, it may happen as the Lord brings to mind the name of a friend or loved one who is struggling with a health issue.

            But in all of our prayers, we need to recognize our utter dependence on God. We don’t accomplish God’s work through our own personal ambition. We need to rely on God every step of the way, and this is often expressed through prayer. And we often don’t even know how to prayer. This is when the Holy Spirit himself intercedes for us in our prayers.

            So, brother or sister, be encouraged as you seek to develop a meaningful prayer life, and pick up a copy of Reeves outstanding little book on prayer.